
((audience)) has received support from the Media Arts Assistance Fund to convene an organizational retreat. The Board, Lauren and I will be looking back at all we've done over the past nine years, asking if we will move forward, and if so, make a plan for how to get there. The retreat will be in June or July. I am calling and speaking with past partners this Spring to prepare for the retreat and to hear your insights and perspectives.
Last Summer, Northwestern University presented "Listen My Heart..." as part of their Sounds of South Asia speaker series. I'll be returning to Northwestern this April for a convocation. (Are we really going to get to watch Om Dar-b-dar on a big screen!?)

Other Curatorial

Since October 2016, I have been sending out other curatorial proposals here and there. Nothing to announce yet, but let me know if you'd like to receive something. Telephones. Maps. Sound installations. And young hippies who like biomorphic/biophilic imagery, for pixels, ink-and-paper, and even (OMG!) oil-paint!


I've joined a literary gang: We're called the St. Rocco's Workshop. It's the best thing ever. I haven't loved a bunch of people like this since I was a teenager. Kenyatta JP Garcia Aimee Harrison. Michael Peters. Douglas Rothschild. Alifair Skebe. They've got me writing poetry again. And, Douglas is keeping me going on turning that one short story about Muktananda into an epistolary novel.
We have a reading every month at Aimee's house, and we're going to publish a yearbook in June. We'll probably get a website before the yearbook is published, and you can sign up for news there. In the meantime, if you're ever thinking of passing through Albany on a weekend, and would like to read at a St. Rocco reading, drop us a line?

Electoral politics had me... paralyzed? Schizophrenic? Anyway, I was tongue-tied last year, and didn't published anything on my personal blog. Now it's over, for better and for worse. I'm putting together a new content calendar, kicking off May 1st.


I'm pleased and honored to be the new Executive Director of the Albany Public Library Foundation. I started there in December 2016. The Albany Public Library Foundation provides critical financial support to the Albany Public Library in order to help the Library provide education, literacy, career development, cultural enrichment and lifelong learning.
We're having our Spring Appeal!

I'm also pleased to be teaching in the 2nd year of "Nuts, Nolts & Beyond" - the professional development program of the Arts Center of the Capital Region. Art & Context worked with the Arts Center on the curriculum for the first year of the program. The 2nd year cohort is larger and more diverse than the first. Stay tuned for their "graduation" events -- a pecha kucha night with everyone and series of exhibitions in the Arts Centers mezzanine gallery.

newest possible news...
older former news