Alexis Bhagat is a writer and curator based in Albany, NY. He was born and raised in New York City and studied sculpture and ecological design at Goddard College.

He was an active member of the spoken word poetry scene on the Lower East Side in the early 1990s, notably organizing the "ATM POETRY OPENS" in bank lobbies in the summer of 1994. At Goddard College, he produced his first multi-channel tape installations and tape-collages for radio. A practicing sound artist from 1999 to 2009, he produced sound installations, collages, radio-plays and performances that utilized the recorded voice as material. From 2001-2004, he interviewed a cross-section of senior and emerging sound artists through his project Sound Generation, a book project that manifested as concerts, panel disussions, "listening lounges" and radio broadcasts.

Alexis Bhagat is co-founder, with Lauren Rosati, of ((audience)), an organization dedicated to the advancement of aural arts by providing wide distribution and new contexts for works by emerging and established sound artists and composers.

Bhagat served on the editorial board of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory from 2002-2006. In 2006, he began working with Lize Mogel on a special issue of Perspectives on activist map-making. This special issue became An Atlas of Radical Cartography, a collection of 10 maps and essays on issues from globalization to garbage. The maps toured as a travelling exhibition to 16 venues in North America and Europe from 2007-2009.

From 2011 - 2013, Bhagat was the owner-operator of Sound and Language Distribution--an online store and distributor for books and recordings--based at the Wordship II -- the Ridgewood, NY home and studio of Richard Kostelanetz.

In 2013, Bhagat relocated up the Hudson from New York City to Albany, NY. He is currently turning 20 years of letters and journals into a new body of poems, (re)finishing a long work of fiction begun in 2004 and abandoned in 2010, and taking long walks with his daughter.

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